Sunday, September 28, 2008

No-Soy Cookies for College Students, part 2

Elder daughter was home from college again this weekend (again?! yes, again.) Her favorite cookie is the Italian pignoli cookie made with almond paste. Here is a very good recipe from Here's another website that uses the exact same recipe, only this one has a photo. I include this because mine weren't photo-worthy.

Note: I made the dough the way they said to in the recipe, but I refridgerated it overnight. Then it is stiff enough to roll into little balls, then roll in a bowl of pignoli nuts (you will need more than one cup if you do it this way) instead of flattening them out and just placing some nuts on top of each cookies. Also, 350 degrees is too hot; they burn on the bottom and get too brown on the top. Other pignoli cookie recipes say to bake them at 325 and this seems right.

Soy-free considerations:

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